If you want to get down to the real nitty gritty of single parenting life, then I suggest you take a stroll through cold and flu season. Your kids are going to get sick. They are. And unless you are the rare single parent with a bundle of cash laying around and a fantastic nanny, you are all going to suffer through it. Missed school, missed work, once one kid is sick the entire house is sick. Tissues everywhere, battles over medicine and whether or not Vick’s is effective and/or icky. Throwing up, fevers, sweating, homemade chicken soup, whether to use home remedies or hit the drug store, it is an endless walk on the wild side.
Mom (or dad, yes I know you single dads are rocking it!) is going to end up sick and probably last. After you have spent a week or two powering everyone through illness, trying to figure out how to care for your family and still earn a living, just when you have reached the pinnacle of exhaustion, that is when it will hit. You will be twice as sick as your kiddos and no one will bring you tissues, get you your medicine or run to the store for you. Thank you Lord for Instacart (yes, I did shamelessly share a referral link)!!!
It is at these moments, when you just want to curl up in a corner and disappear, when everything feels miserable and you are tired beyond reason, that perfect little moments will occur. When that child will place a little hand on your forehead, just as you did to theirs; when your older kids will heat up that leftover chicken soup you made and bring it to you; when they just show you that pure bit of love that only a kid can give. I hate being sick. I always feel like it is the icing on the crap cake, but those moments are also some of the sweetest there have ever been. Don’t worry, I’m not going to go out and start licking shopping cart handles, the moments are sweet, but I’d still rather not have whatever plague the world rain upon me. It really is about finding the sweetness in the midst of chaos that makes embracing the suck a little easier.
Hello Jessyca
1. I like the header layout, I think it looks really clean besides the double of terms and conditions. I also like your media with the school bus in the bush, very cool photo!
2. Something you could change could the size of the sunset background picture on the main page, it fills up too much of the page and you have to scroll down to notice the content below. I also noticed two Terms And Conditions pages, you may wanna condense those into one.
3. How did you get the website title animation? I think its a nice edition and I like how it loops over.
Thank you so much for the feedback.
The Zombie Bus is one of my favorite photos. I was delivering an Instacart order in rural Stanwood and was sent down this rather concerning road. As I was driving back out, happy I didnt get mauled by 4 crazy dogs, the bus caught my eye. That entire road looked like it was out of a Walking Dead set! No zombies or Dixons in sight so I stopped to snag a few photos.
The animated heading is a ‘Superb Add On’. It is listed as ‘Superb Animated Headings’ when you look in the text options sidebar.
That hero image is no moon…
[Something I Liked]
Navigating the site on the Blog page is really cool, feels almost seamless.
[Something to Improve Upon]
I have an ultrawide (21:9) 1440p monitor. On that monitor, the hero image on the home page is absolutely massive, taller than my screen.
[Something I Want to Know About]
The gradually-appearing text in all of the pages I’ve been able to see so far really caught my attention. How did you do that? Is it part of the active theme?
Another cool design. So far with all the other websites, the design is also unique in a visually-appealing way. Good job.
……Its a space station!
I agree that hero image must be brought under control! I keep looking at it and thinking to fix it and then……squirrel. Distraction is my enemy.
The animated heading is a ‘Superb Add On’. It is listed as ‘Superb Animated Headings’ when you look in the text options sidebar.
Thank you for the feedback!!!
Yeah, ain’t that the truth! My house is huge, and I can assure you, when one of us gets sick, we all get sick. That’s how my whole family caught COVID in january. It stunk!